More People With Felony Convictions Can Vote, but Roadblocks Remain

Brian Skinner Elections, Government & Policy, Voting

  PEW STATELINE – By Lindsey Van Ness – August 31, 2020 More than ever, Eric Harris is mindful of the elected officials around him: The school board members deciding whether his children will go back to the classroom, the sheriff influencing how officers interact with people like him, and the U.S. president steering the country’s coronavirus response.  …Read More

State Watchdogs Plan to Monitor COVID-19 Data Accuracy

Brian Skinner COVID-19, Government & Policy

  By Brian Skinner, Esq. In light of today’s press briefing in which Gov. Justice and his team tried to explain how data is compiled to color in the state’s county alert system map, I thought this story by Jenni Bergal in Stateline might be an interesting read.  She writes that because of concerns about the accuracy and uniformity …Read More

NC legislature approves $1 billion COVID-19 relief bill

Brian Skinner COVID-19, Government & Policy

  By Brian Skinner, Esq. Yesterday, the North Carolina state legislature passed a nearly $1 billion spending bill that uses the remainder of the state’s share of federal CARES Act relief money. House Bill 1105, named the The Coronavirus Relief Act 3.0, grants all North Carolina households with children up to age 17, a $335 stimulus check called “extra credit grants”, to help offset …Read More

What if the State Incentivized Eating Out?

Brian Skinner Government & Policy

  By Brian Skinner, Esq. During the month of August the British government implemented the Eat Out to Help Out program in which the government paid a 50% discount on all meals eaten in restaurants, pubs or cafes, up to 10 pounds ($13) per person, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Alcohol was not included. During …Read More

The Economic Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana

Brian Skinner Government & Policy, marijuana
Marijuana Economy

  By Brian Skinner, Esq. Recent news that the U.S. House of Representatives will likely vote on a bill to decriminalize marijuana and leave legalization up to the states caused me to think it might be time to share an article on the economic benefits of legalizing marijuana. As I discussed last week, despite the potential for tax …Read More

The Impact of COVID-19 on Working Women and Policies that Might Promote Gender Equality in the Labor Market

Brian Skinner Government & Policy, Policies, Women, Workforce

By Brian Skinner, Esq. The COVID-19 pandemic has upended work and home life for everyone, but women in particular have carried the largest share of the burden. A recent article in the NY Times highlights the heavier domestic burden borne by women caused by the pandemic. Including, the fact that they are more likely to lose …Read More

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