West Virginia’s child obesity rate nearly 20 percent in latest report

Brian Skinner Public Health

WV Metro News — By MetroNews Staff — October 14, 2020  CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Nearly one-fifth of West Virginia children are obese, as experts link obesity to increased risk for severe COVID-19 symptoms. According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) latest report released Wednesday, State of Childhood Obesity: Prioritizing Children’s Health During the Pandemic, 19.6% of children …Read More

Big Sun Expected to Overtake Big Coal by 2025

Brian Skinner Energy & enviroment

By Brian Skinner, Esq. In 2025, solar power is expected to overtake coal as the largest means of energy production, according to the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) annual World Energy Outlook report.  Solar output is expected to lead a surge in renewable power supply in the next decade, with renewables seen accounting for 80% of growth in …Read More

Crisis Looms as Federal Eviction Moratorium is Under Assault

Brian Skinner COVID-19, Evictions, Housing

By Brian Skinner, Esq. A story in today’s Washington Post reports that landlords, apartment owners and housing industry groups have unleashed a barrage of legal challenges against the Trump administration’s order protecting renters from eviction, leaving millions of families once again facing the risk of homelessness in the middle of a deadly pandemic.  On a …Read More

The Impact of Covid-19 on State And Local Governments

Brian Skinner Local Government, State Fiscal & Economic Policy

By Brian Skinner, Esq. News on Sunday revealed that the White House has again pivoted in its approach to stimulus negotiations, with the president’s aides pushing for immediate action on a narrow measure after the administration’s $1.8 trillion proposal was rebuffed by members of both parties. This comes after months of negotiations between Treasury Secretary Steven …Read More

Are Poll Watchers Permitted in West Virginia?

Brian Skinner Elections

By Brian Skinner, Esq. During last Tuesday night’s presidential debate, President Trump urged his supporters, as he has done before, “to go into the polls and watch very carefully.” The president’s remarks have caused growing concern over potential confrontations at polling places due to deep partisan divides and baseless claims by President Trump that Democrats …Read More

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